While all businesses and organizations should have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in place that provides guidelines for dealing with an active shooter, there is no substitute for having live scenario experience in knowing what to do and how to quickly follow your EAP.
In an active violent encounter situation, countering and fighting a shooter or assailant is a decision that needs to be made rapidly and appropriately. By implementing training and having the chance to make quick decisions in real time, you can be sure that your people are as prepared as possible to act in an actual situation. The decision to escape, evade, or attack often needs to made in seconds during an active shooter incident. Having the training and experience that comes with MyAvert training is vital to a split-second response.
Having an Emergency Action Plan and providing active violence training is not just about liability. MyAvert gives the people of your organization the tools and experience to save lives. MyAvert makes sure that your organization is ready for an active violence encounter. Whether your organization is a business, an educational institution, a house of worship, healthcare facility, government entity, or even law-enforcement, Active Violence Emergency Response Training can help you and your people be prepared.

Through our AVERT training, you will learn three quick emergency bleeding control techniques that can help save a life:

Applying Pressure

Correctly Packing Wound

Placing a tourniquet
Stop the Bleed
The leading cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as five minutes. With three quick actions that can control life-threatening bleeding, you can make those minutes count and be trained to save a life using stop the bleed methods.

A bleeding injury can happen anywhere, and we have all seen them happen too often – whether on the news or in everyday life. The person next to a bleeding victim may very will be the one most likely to save them.
With AVERT, you'll learn to be an immediate responder, a person who recognizes life-threatening bleeding and can act right away using stop the bleed methods.
AVERT instructors use training materials that have been specially developed to teach you proper bleeding control techniques. You can be assured that the instructors will keep working with you until you are confident in demonstrating the proper skills in controlling life-threatening bleeding. Instead of being a witness during an attack, accident, or disaster, you can move forward with the confidence that you have the knowledge and skills to be an immediate responder.
Regardless of the size or type of your organization, AVERT training and Kits can be a vital supplement to your Emergency Action Plan (EAP) by making sure your people have the training and confidence to respond quickly and appropriately to a situation.